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Quality Control
Global Wood India Pvt. Ltd. is a premier manufacturer, exporter, importer, and supplier of Red Meranti Wood, Yellow Meranti Wood, Sal Wood, Kapur Wood, Kempas Wood, Teak Wood, and Pine Wood. To maintain consistent quality standards, the company uses its own in-house facilities. We provide wood seasoning and chemical treatment facility .In this effort; we are being helped by skilled and qualified team of Quality experts. The Karnal (Haryana, India) based company, we have good experience in this field and have carved a niche for ourselves in the demanding markets of India and overseas.

Global Wood India Pvt. Ltd. adopts a proactive strategy towards effective implementation of customer-friendly and quality-oriented approach. To deliver world-class range, we employ a team of skilled artisans and quality experts, who are constantly innovating new designs to cater to the ever increasing demand from buyers.